waterfall in ozarks
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Who we are: Jasper Advertising and Promotions Commission is a nonprofit organization formed in 2021. Our goal is to promote the City of Jasper Arkansas and all it has to offer, both to tourists, youth, and area residents.


What we do?

We provide Eco Tours focusing on Local history via local historians. Viewings of iconic scenic points. Exploration of waterfalls and historical locations. Conservation of the National Buffalo River and local Bison/ Elk Herds. Education of forestry conservation of Dogwoods and Redbud trees. Teaching conservation awareness such as Leave No Trace & Tread Lightly! Exploration of iconic areas and Scenic overlooks.

How we are funded?

Through grants, donations, and fundraising, we offer free Community events showcasing local talent. Also providing Free Festivals, concerts in the park, and Firework shows. Through ticket sales for Fall and Spring Eco Tours, we are able to rent buses and hire drivers for the tours.

This year’s goal?

Incorporate educating young people in the importance of conservation for future generations as well as exploration of nature through guided adventure tours.

Our Focus?

We focus on reconnecting locals with their heritage and their surroundings through exploration via guided group tours. Offering free events for the community to promote family gatherings without the stress of high costs. Introducing Tourists to the Ozarks via tours to educate them on conservation efforts and local history. Connecting tourism to local businesses in Newton County.